What can I do to improve air quality?
- Contact State Environmental Regulators at the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) Division of Air Quality and tell them you want more stringent limits on ozone, mercury, sulfur dioxide, and particulates. More
- Write the US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) and tell them the same thing. More
- Contact Congress and ask them to address air quality and climate change issues now. Link
- Use less energy: drive less, use less electricity at home, and buy the most energy efficient appliances.
- Lobby local, state, and national elected officials to implement better pollution controls and support sustainable, non-polluting alternative energy.
- Be informed. Know about our local air quality and the threats against it. Ask someone from our speaker's bureau to talk at your place of worship, club, or community group meeting.
- Join the Mon Valley Clean Air Coalition! Send us an e mail here.